Page 19 - PHS2018.FINAL Proof2
P. 19

A Word from Our Principal . . .

                ELCOME TO The Rig, home of the Pearland Oilers!  Friday Night Lights
          Wis one of the biggest traditions in the state of Texas where the Pride of
          Pearland Band, Oiler Cheerleaders, Prancers, Oiler football team, and community
          unite in pursuit of Victory!  Although we may not always walk away victorious, we
          are always there for each other. We are Pearland! I am honored and proud to be
          the principal of Pearland High School where the traditions and expectations of
          academic excellence, athletic dominance, and exemplary extra-curricular continues.
          Our staff is determined to prepare our students for the future in a safe, supportive
          environment with a world-class education and experiences.

          Walk the halls of our great school and you will understand what it means to be a
          part of Oiler Family! Oiler Drive and GRIT is developed through countless hours
          of care, practice and studying. Tonight Oiler Family, let us yell with our cheerleaders,
          dance with the Prancers, and stand with the marching band as we come together
          to support our football team.
          Our doors are always open to you to come out and support our students in our
          many sports, fine arts events, and student activities. Go Oilers and never forget
          Pride, Honor, Success!                                                             John Palombo

          John Palombo, Principal
           Pride  Honor  Success

              A Word from Our Athletic Director . . .

          As summer turns to fall, the new school year brings new and exciting challenges and op-
          portunities. It is again with pride, sincere appreciation, anxious anticipation, and excitement

          that I welcome you to the 2018-2019 school year. Many would
          agree that the best entertainment on a fall Friday night in the
          entire state of Texas is under the lights at a high school football
          stadium. The pageantry of Friday night football has no equal, pow-
          erful moments in a single event that unify an entire community for
          the thrill of competition, performance, and sportsmanship. Equally
          important to remember, however, is that none of this is possible
          without the commitment, sacrifice, and diligence of many. So, to all

          of you who have a hand in promoting and supporting achievement,
          success, and world class excellence, I say thank you. Enjoy the sea-
          son. I am sure it will bring plenty of excitement.
                                                                                              Ben Pardo
          See you at the stadium!!!

                 “The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, re-
                                         gardless of their chosen field of endeavor”
                                                   — Vince Lombardi  —

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