Page 40 - 2022 Pearland Oilers Media Guide
P. 40
Pearland Football 2022
Jamie Bridges Joaquin Garcia
Offensive Line Outside Linebackers
Jamie Bridges has been coaching for 13 years and
has a B.S. degree in Kinesiology/Special Education
from Stephen F. Austin University and a M.Ed Joaquin Garcia is a native of Katy and has a BBA-
Education. He teaches Government and also is a M.I.S. degree from Texas Tech University and a M.
Power Lifting coach. He is married to wife, Kacie, Ed. from Lamar University. Garcia has been
and they have two children, Carson (10) and Cannon coaching for 19 years and teaches Special
(7). He enjoys fishing, hunting, and camping Education. Garcia enjoys racquetball, hiking,
with his family. and traveling.
Corey Connolly John Boodon
Running Backs Inside Linebackers
John Boodon is a native on San Antonio and he
Corey Connolly is a native of Fort Worth, Texas earned a B.S. degree in Biology from the
and he earned his Bachelor's degree in History at University of Texas - San Antonio. He has coached
the University of Houston. A veteran coach of for 13 years and teaches Chemistry. He is all an
22 years, Connolly teaches World History and assistant track coach. Boodon is married to wife,
boys Soccer. He has twin daughters, Mekenna and Amethyst, who is a Science Instructional Coach at
Makall who are 18 years old. He enjoys raising his Cy-Fair ISD. They have one child, Gwenyth (3). He
daughters and going fishing. enjoys hiking, cooking, traveling, and reading.