Page 48 - PHS Oilers Media Guide 0924 WR
P. 48

Corey Connolly                                        Doro Omerhi                                                          Glen Johnson                                      Marwan Singleton

                            Running Backs                                        Offensive Line                                            Operations and Assistant Linebackers                       Assistant Wide Receivers
              Connolly  hails from Corpus Christi, Texas. He      Omerhi hails from Pearland and played football                        Johnson hails from Oklahoma City, OK. He has a      Singleton  is from the Lower  9th Ward of New
              earned his Bachelor’s degree in History at  the     for  the  Pearland  Oilers.  This  is  his  first  year               BS in History from UofH Clear Lake. Johnson has     Orleans. He has an Interdisciplinary Studies degree
              University of Houston – Clear Lake. A veteran       coaching after earning his Associate’s in Arts                        coached for 21 years. He teaches World Geography    from the University of New Orleans. He’s coached
              coach of 24 years, Connolly  teaches World          from Blinn College and his Bachelor’s of Science                      and coaches baseball. He and his wife, Libby        18 years and is an assistant basketball coach.
              Geography and boys Soccer. He has twin              degree from Houston Baptist University. He played                     (Gigi), have five children and seven grandchildren.   Singleton teaches Inclusion for English, Science,
              daughters, MaKenna and MaKall, and two sons,        football at Blinn and HBU. He was the 2022 Quick                      Amy & Greg and their kids Ford & Isabella; Cynthia   and Social Studies. He and his wife, Sarah, a Sr
              Charlie and Clyde. He enjoys trying to make ends    Lane  Bowl Champion.  Omerhi teaches English                          & Bryan and their daughter Bria; Gail & Daniel      Talent Consultant, have two children, Morgan and
              meet and reading  everyone’s  political  opinions   and coaches girls’ soccer. He enjoys video games,                     and their kids Colton & Cameron; Darcie & Sam       Savian. When you love something, you share it:
              on Facebook.                                        reading, and finding new albums to listen to.                         and their kids Audrey & Case. Johnson enjoys        Whether born here, a transplant, or passing through,
                                                                                                                                        woodworking, fishing, and being Santa.              you can be New Orleanian wherever you are.

                        Bobby Beynaerts                                      Donovan Starks                                                                                                          Nicholas Holtgrieve

                                Safeties                                         Corner Backs                                                                                                           Head Athletic Trainer
              Beynaerts is from Houston.  He has a BSS            Starks  Houston born and Crosby raised. He has                                                                            Holtgrieve  is a native of  Kansas City,  MO.  He
              in Exercise Science from TSU and a MEd in           a degree in Sociology with a minor in business                                                                            graduated from Ouachita Baptist University with
              Education Administration from Lamar University.     from  Kansas State,  and a  master’s in athletic                                                                          a BS degree in Athletic Training  and earned  a
              He’s coached 15yrs with stops at Dobie  HS,         administration from Concordia University Texas.                                                                           Masters degree in Athletic Training from Indiana
              Clear Creek HS, and Pasadena  Memorial  HS.         He’s coached six years, teaches Economics                                                                                 State University. He has been an Athletic Trainer
              He teaches History. He and his wife, Monica,        and Government Inclusion,  and coaches  track.                                                                            for over 13 years. He is joyfully married to Chae
              Dir. of Business  Development  & Sales, have        He is married to Jordan, a Corporate Event                                                                                Jiles who is a BSN/RN Nurse. They have a dog
              three children, Charley, Shep, and Bobo. He         Coordinator. He ejoys spending time with family,                                                                          named Mimosa.
              enjoys fishing, cooking, chauffeuring the kids to   going to sporting events, and learning new things.
              activities, and doing house projects.

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